Online Funeral Sympathy Flower Arrangements

We offer various blossoms for burial services, entombments, and remembrance administrations. We offer funeral bouquets, standing sprays and wreaths, urn and columbarium flowers, closed and open casket flowers, cemetery and memorial flowers, and standing sprays and wreaths.
Same Day Delivery in Albay 7 days a week.

Flower Stand

Funeral Flowers Albay offers same-day delivery of these wreaths and standing funeral sprays through orders from our online store.

Photo & Urn

Urn flower arrangements are used in after-cremation necrological services or as columbarium flowers.

We are Here to Bring Comfort...

For condolences, funerals, burials, memorial services, Funeral Sympathy Flowers Albay will be your helping hand. 

Flowers Sympathy Flowers Albay offers online funeral flower arrangements and delivery to honor the dead in wakes, funerals, burials, memorial services, and death anniversaries.

Funeral Flowers Albay | We can schedule delivery in Albay, Legazpi, Bacacay, Camalig, Daraga, Guinobatan, Libon, Ligao, Malilipot, Malinao, Manito, Oas, Polangui, Santo Domingo, Tabaco & Tiwi, Naga City, Camarines Sur, Sorsogon.

Standing Sprays and Wreaths for Funerals

Funeral wreaths and standing sprays are sent or prepared before the wake or while the remains of the dead are still in the mortuary. These memorial wreaths or standing flowers for funerals are usually placed beside the casket or in any prominent location where mourners can see. They can be used during the wake in homes, chapels, or funeral homes, or during the church service.

Flower Stand

Garden Setup

Special Sentiments Flower Baskets

Our collection of flowers for the departed loved ones come in various arrangements, colors, and affordability. Sympathy Flowers Albay would like to console the families of the dead by offering same-day special sentiment flowers within Albay and nearby areas.

Floral Baskets

Service Baskets



Same Day Delivery or next  day in Albay and Nearest Provinces Seven Days a Week.


24/7 Customer Service. Our staff are always ready to help you.


Visit our website
 or Call (052) 742 9512

Photo & Urn Tributes

Urn flower arrangements are used in after-cremation necrological services or as columbarium flowers.

Our flower arrangements for funeral urns are available for relatives and loved ones, columbarium facilities, and funeral homes.

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